This study elaborates western concept of freedom of expression and speech and carries out analysis in the light of Islamic perspective in modern Islamic socio-political context. The Western thought recognizes freedom of speech as a key value to human rights and civil liberties. They also have different standards of application in limiting or delimiting the freedom of speech and expression. The West perceives that Freedom of expression is the first and last trench in the protection of other liberties and rights by governance based on Secularism. Islam also preserves and protects the right of freedom of expression and speech but within some moral, legal and social norms in the interest of society. This is the basic difference between Islamic and Western understanding of freedom of expression. It is being witnessed that the western concept of freedom of expression is fast creeping into Muslim societies in the garb of misinterpretation of the Islamic principles of freedom, thus we need to understand the Western thought on freedom to counter it through Islamic concept to avoid its negative impact on Muslim societies. Descriptive and analytical approaches have been adopted in this study with qualitative research methodology.
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