Thailand is multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation. Islam is the second largest religion after Buddhism in the kingdom of Thailand. Thai Muslims belong to different communal groups and each group has particular history and ethnicity. The purpose of the research mainly elucidates the history, life style and identity of the diverse ethnic groups of Siamese Muslims. It also analysis, how the Islam came in Thailand, including how the Muslim community transformed in different times and periods with different cultures and identities under different Monarchies in the kingdom. A qualitative method of research is used, while explanatory research design has been applied. The Research paper deeply emphasis the socio-cultural arrangements of the Thai Muslim community and the response of the state and society of Thailand. The socio-cultural design qualitatively expounds the living style, traditions, norms and values of Thai Muslim community and its identity in the diverse communal outlook of Thailand.
Online available at
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